Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Listeriosis - Not at Foragers

Memorandum August 25, 2008

Re: Listeriosis Outbreak - Not at Foragers

Dear Foragers,

In a recent reading of Hugh Fearnsely-Whittingstall's cookbook titled Meat, the British chef and personality discusses the virtue of "intensive" and "extensive" farming practices.

An intensive farming practice pertains to efficiency and mass production. Extensive farming relates to smaller owner/operated operations, proper animal husbandry and quality over quantity.

Sometimes share price or ROI compromises quality; sometimes we have excellently run corporate farms in the case of intensive farming practices. Conversely, we have very fine small artisanal farmers and then some who cut corners when practicing extensive farming.

The same logic can be applied to food processing. Concerning the listeria outbreak Forager Foods believes in extensive practices from solely reputable and inspected producers. Rest assured, food products from Maple Leaf et al. are passed over by Forager Foods.

This brings us to an interesting question: What is Maple Leaf, Schneider's, Shopsy's etc to do? We believe a major apology will occur followed by a re-branding effort under a different name and look. With Loblaw (no more "s" in Loblaw anymore!) and National Grocers pushing "green" and "from close to home" products, it is easy to make the leap in that Maple Leaf will re-brand as "rural, local, fresh."

This is a good thing, all of us shop at large grocery chains as inevitably they have items we need for our daily lives. However, we believe that the small producers, who are our neighbours, share a heightened interest in delivering a healthy and safe product to your shelves.

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